Leaders of all faiths expressed virtually identical views of moral outrage. I would like to list all of the speakers but unfortunately their properly spelled names escape me. A Rabbi from VA expressed his opinion that hunger, homelessness, & poverty have traditionally been focuses of people of faith. Now, abortion, seems to be the only issue of concern. A Baptist spoke of the attempts of state legislatures to suppress voting in 30 of the 50 states. This country has "been built" on the backs of the immigrant minorities who have expected to participate in the American Dream by voting. An Evangelical Christian, raised in WV & head of the Young Democrats of America, was beginning a new job for the Faith & Policy Think Tank in Washington, D.C. on 9/11/01. He realized that his "faith is an integral part of who he is". He looked to religion to heal our nation's wounds. And, he found a home in the Democratic Party which has policies to heal immigration inequities, the absence of health care for all, equal pay for women, & an unjust war in Iraq. A Catholic said, "Charity is no substitute for justice not served." And, the Deputy Director of Operation Vote who began preaching at a very young age reminded us that "in 2008, we changed the guard. In 2012 we must guard the change." A few of the changes we guard: Lilly Ledbetter Act - equal pay for women, Iraq War - ended, Pell Grant availability, health care coverage up to age 26 on family policy, auto industry - alive, & Osama Bin Laden - dead.
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, also the DNC Chair, echoed the above. We inclusive Democrats who celebrate diversity will watch President Barack Obama's back. We will bring Barack Obama across the finish line! 2008 was Historic, 2012 is Personal.
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