Sunday, September 9, 2012

Small Business Caucus

Small businesses provide two out of every three American jobs.  I did not have the opportunity to attend this caucus but Diana Nazelli, also a 14th CD delegate, provided the following synopsis:
- The SBA has been elevated to a Cabinet level position under the Obama Administration.
- The Affordable Health Care Act contains a provison which allows small businesses subsidies for employee health care.
- $100 billion in loans has been made available by this administration to small businesses.
- "Insourcing" is a new term.
- This website is a forum for business owners.  Ideas can be shared.  Helpful legislation can be promoted.
- Small Business taxes have been cut 18 times.
- Pages of forms have been eliminated.
- To improve cash flow, certain contracts have to be paid in 15 days, not 30.

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